
2018 rates

Prices for Subscribers and Non-Subscribers


This is the text area of a paragraph that describes this service. You may want to offer examples of the service and who can benefit from it.

Not paid

This is the text area of a paragraph that describes this service. You may want to offer examples of the service and who can benefit from it.


This is the text area of a paragraph that describes this service. You may want to offer examples of the service and who can benefit from it.

Entrance fee € 360 - For Family and individual fees - Registered in Candeleda exempt


66 €

Per month

Marriage and children up to 18 years
Discount € 79.20 per year for annual payment at one time.


53 €

Per month

€ 63.60 annual discount for one-time annual payment.


41,30 €

Per month

€ 49.56 annual discount for one-time annual payment
Exempt Entry Fee

Young Fee - Young - Initiation

According to age range

Initiation Up to 18 years - € 22.50
Young from 19 to 25 years old - € 27.90
Young from 26 to 35 years old - € 35
Exempt Entry Fee

All the services you need,
in one place.

We offer a wide range of services to meet needs of any kind.
This is the text area of a paragraph that describes this service. You may want to offer examples of the service and who can benefit from it. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this group of services, in addition to explaining to users why they should choose your company.
Hire service

Are you interested in our services? We are here to help you!

We want to know exactly what your needs are in order to offer you the best solution. Tell us what you need and we will do our best to help you.
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